Tom Brokaw Bravely Facing Cancer Diagnosis


INSIDE EDITION: Airdate: 02/12/2014

There is an outpouring of support for legendary broadcaster Tom Brokaw as he bravely battles bone marrow cancer.

Brokaw stepped down as anchor of the NBC Nightly News in 2004.

He was diagnosed last August with multiple myeloma—cancer that affects white blood cells in bone marrow—but has kept it secret until now.

Said the 74-year-old Brokaw, “With the exceptional support of my family, medical team, and friends, I am very optimistic about the future and look forward to continuing my life, my work, and adventures still to come. I remain the luckiest guy I know.”

INSIDE EDITION’s Deborah Norville is an honorary board member of the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation, and spoke about her former colleague on CNN’s Piers Morgan Live last night.

“I send him a lot of love, and my prayers and my best wishes,” said Norville. “There is so much  reason to believe that Tom Brokaw will do exactly what he pledged in his statement today, and that is live a long and successful life despite having been diagnosed with this disease.”

INSIDE EDITION spoke to myeloma specialist Dr. James Berenson.

Dr. Berenson said, “Tom Brokaw’s prognosis is very good. This disease has dramatically improved, in terms of outcome, since 2000 with all of the new drugs. And he will hopefully live a long and very happy life.

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