I Have WHAT? An Interview With Patient Advocate Debra Berenson

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Interview with Debra Berenson, myeloma patient advocate, wife of myeloma expert Dr. James Berenson, and author of the book, I HAVE WHAT? Debra has collected stories, insights, and tools for and from patients and their families with myeloma and related diseases. The second half of the book  includes information and advice from doctors and other healthcare professionals who treat these diseases.

Debra donated her time to writing this helpful resource for patients and caregivers. All proceeds benefit the Institute for Myeloma & Bone Cancer Research (IMBCR) to help support the important research in their lab.

To purchase a copy of the book for yourself, a friend, loved one, or a support group, click here to buy the book or call Martina Gona at (310) 623-1214 to order by phone. To purchase on Amazon click right here.

Click here to see the interview!


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