Outcomes in Multiple Myeloma Patients Evaluated

Outcomes in Multiple Myeloma Patients Evaluated

There appears to be marked improvement in overall survival in people with multiple myeloma, according to a study involving 264 individuals. Participants all had multiple myeloma with an initial visit occurring between 2004 and 2014. They had treatment at a clinic that...

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Advances in the Management of Multiple Myeloma

Advances in the Management of Multiple Myeloma

James R Berenson, MD, Tanya M Spektor, PhD, and James Wang Institute for Myeloma & Bone Cancer Research; James R Berenson, MD, Inc; and ONCOtherapeutics, West Hollywood, California Correspondence: James R Berenson, MD; jberenson@imbcr.org. Disclosures: Dr Berenson is...

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